The Avon Wildlife Trust - Geological Conservation Group
The Geological Conservation Group was formed with the purpose of furthering the following objects:- a. to take all appropriate measures to conserve sites of geological, geomorphological and related archaeological interest in the County of Avon. b. to survey and record such sites. c. to encourage the proper use of sites by geologists and educational groups. d. to promote, encourage and organise study and research for the advancement of knowledge in the geological sciences within the County of Avon.
The members of the Bath Geological Society as members also of the A.W.T, are asked specially to help if possible in the work of recording and conserving local sites around Bath. Any help in the clearance of selected sites organised by the A.W.T. would be very much appreciated!
Any information may be obtained from or handed to the undersigned.
E Joy Coppin, Hon Secretary Geological Conservation Group, A.W.T.