The history of the earth since its beginning about 4,500,000,000 years ago is a story of relentless change, so slow that no creature that has ever lived would have noticed much difference in its lifetime.

Continents have formed, and have broken apart only to form again at other latitudes.

Oceans have changed their shapes, and land has been inundated under shallow seas, to rise again into the sunshine with the passage of time.

Great mountain ranges have arisen to be worn down in time by weathering, and the debris has accumulated in the sea where it became new rock, ultimately to be uplifted by forces within the earth to make new land surfaces. These rocks often contain evidence of the plants and creatures that lived when the rock was formed, the fossils that are now so interesting as evidence of evolutionary processes.

Volcanoes have added new material to the surface rocks, and ice-ages have made their contribution to change at intervals through-out earth history.

And now mankind is also contributing to change, more quickly than nature might intend.

This is the story that interests members of the Bath Geological Society.

The Society has a varied membership who share this common interest, some of them experienced geologists, but most without much knowledge of the subject before they join.

We meet on the second Thursday of each month (except August), at 7.30 pm in the Reference Library, Queen Square, Bath.

At our meetings we have lecturers mostly from Universities and Colleges within the region to talk on different aspects of our subject, but amateurs can also play an active part if they wish. New members and visitors are always welcome.

The Society also organises several field trips each year to sites of geological interest, and once a year we visit a national museum.
