Book Review - New sites for old - A student's guide to the geology of the east Mendips.
Edited by K.I. Duff, A.P. Mc Kirry and M.J. Harley Nature Conservancy Council - 192 pages - £3.50
After a somewhat protracted gestation period the Nature Conservancy Council guide to selected sites of geological interest in the east Mendips is now available. Many of the sites described are those cleaned and restored by the Nature Conservancy Council in the period 1981-83 and thus are in excellent condition.
A concise description of each site is given together with details of access and site restrictions. There are also good summaries of the general Mendip geology and limited but useful illustrations of typical fossils. For the keen reader some interesting practical exercises are suggested.
The presentation and production of this book is excellent, it is written in a very readable style and the text is supported by good figures and photographs. It represents an interesting departure from the usual geological guide in being part guide and part text book, and assumes only a modest geological knowledge of the reader.
Many members will find the information in this book useful and it’s style of presentation attractive, I recommend you try to pursue a copy and consider it before spending your next Book Tokens.