Key benefits

  • Free entry to our series of ten lectures held at the BRLSI, presented by well qualified speakers from university professors to research scientists to committed amateurs.
  • Free admittance to our field trips, usually led by experts in the areas to be visited (some trips may have charges for elements such as transportation or accommodation).
  • A copy of our professionally produced annual Journal.


For the period 1st January - 31st December 2021

Annual adult subscription£30.00
Annual student subscription£15.00
Annual family subscription£45.00

Join now

* indicates required
GA Member

How to Pay

Bank Transfer

Account name: Bath Geological Society
Account number: 71262556
Sort code: 40-09-19


Please make cheques payable to 'The Bath Geological Society' and send to: Miss Polly Sternbauer, The Membership Secretary, Flat 4, Somerset House, Moorfields Road, Bath, BA2 2HU

Standing Order

Please download and print the following form: Bath-Geol-Soc-standing-order-2020.doc

Once completed, please send to: Miss Polly Sternbauer, The Membership Secretary, Flat 4, Somerset House, Moorfields Road, Bath, BA2 2HU