Field Trip: The Geology of Clevedon

Leader: Charles Copp

Entry Fee

Members: Free

Visitors: £3.00

Date and Time



The Pier, Clevedon BS21 7QR

Field Trip Description

The purpose of this meeting is to give an insight into the, often overlooked, complex and exciting geological history of the Clevedon area. During the day we will be visiting the following sites and discussing the effects of Variscan tectonics and Pleistocene climate changes on the local topography.

  • Clevedon Beach and Pier Vein SSSI (Devonian sandstones and transition through Lower Carboniferous - Lower Limestone Shales to Black Rock Limestone. Folding, faulting and large mineral vein including unusual minerals)
  • Ladye Bay - (Devonian sandstones and siltstones, Triassic marginal facies (dolomitic conglomerate) and lacustrine limestones. Large fault and interesting copper and silicate mineralisation. Pleistocene raised beach)
  • Conygar Quarry (Upper Carboniferous, Pennant Sandstone - sandstones and siltstones with good plant fossils and excellent sedimentary structures)
  • Holly Lane SSSI (Pleistocene sea cliff, bone cave and slope deposits)

Meet at 10.30 a.m. on Clevedon Promenade by the Pier. Please bring a packed lunch although pubs are available. Hard hats and stout footwear essential.

Location Map

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Important Notice: Bath Geological Society Insurance

Each person attending a field meeting does so on the understanding that he/she attends at his/her own risk. The Bath Geological Society has Public Liability Insurance Cover for field and indoor meetings, but Personal Accident Cover and Personal Liability Cover remain the responsibility and personal choice of the participant.

There may be an element of appropriate cover included in house insurance or in travel insurance: although Bath Geological Society activities are not particularly dangerous members are advised to check whether exclusions apply to activities in which they plan to participate in case they wish to arrange further cover. An annual travel insurance may be the best solution for any member who regularly attends field events: this again is a matter of choice.

Please note however that all members participating in overseas events will be required to have travel insurance for the duration of the event: this is so that participants are covered for Medical, Repatriation and Personal Liability expenses. The Personal Accident element remains the personal choice of the member and again members are advised to check exclusions so that they can make an informed decision about the cover they want.