Field Trip: Guided Geology Trail Around Bath
Entry Fee
Members: Free
Visitors: £3.00
Date and Time
Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HN
Field Trip Description
As a conclusion to their Heritage Open Days celebrations the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution in conjunction with Bath Geological Society will be holding a guided walking trail throughout the city at the end of the summer. Professor Maurice Tucker will be leading the Bath Geology Trail on Friday 20th September and hoping for an extension of the sunshine while he does so.
Book your place and come along to BRLSI reception for Maurice’s illuminating introduction to the trail which departs at 11am. Participants will then begin upon a trip around the city which will endeavour to help them to identify and explore the various stones from which Bath was constructed.
The walk will take approximately one hour, and those taking part will need to be wearing sensible footwear and feel confident negotiating the hillsides and cobbled streets of the city. All you need to do is sign up on Eventbrite!
Maurice Tucker is a leading British sedimentologist, specialising in limestones. From 1993-2011 he was Professor of Geological Sciences at Durham University and from 1998 – 2011 Master of University College, Durham. Currently, Maurice is working at the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol and you might recently have read his article ‘Bath Rocks’ in the July 2019 issue of Bath Magazine and wished you could get to ask him some questions about it. This is your chance to come and spend the morning with a leading geologist and allow him to transform your image of the city and its foundations.
And what is it with Bath and geology? Considered the Cradle of English Geology due to its links to William Smith and his creation of the world’s first stratigraphical map, Bath was once surrounded on all sides by quarries exploiting stone and these were used for storage during the second world war, or for the growing of mushrooms! Many of them are now blocked to prevent access, but the evidence of the relationship to stone can still be seen from all around.
But that still doesn’t quite explain why BRLSI is the natural departure point for such a walk. The BRLSI founded in 1824 became the natural home for many of the amazing geological finds that made their way to the city in the light of Bath’s geological reputation and to this day houses its own rich and extensive geological collection. It is the natural home for many local groups such as the Bath Geological Society and the Bath and Counties Archaeological Society and sells its own self- guided trail which celebrates the geological significance of Bath. The walk on the 20th September at once celebrates Bath’s heritage but at the same time its own. BRLSI hope you can join the celebrations.
The walk will be a circular one taking in many familiar streets but exploring them by way of their building stones and their ancient geological origins. All walkers will receive a free coffee. To book your free place:
30 Places available.
Important Notice: Bath Geological Society Insurance
Each person attending a field meeting does so on the understanding that he/she attends at his/her own risk. The Bath Geological Society has Public Liability Insurance Cover for field and indoor meetings, but Personal Accident Cover and Personal Liability Cover remain the responsibility and personal choice of the participant.
There may be an element of appropriate cover included in house insurance or in travel insurance: although Bath Geological Society activities are not particularly dangerous members are advised to check whether exclusions apply to activities in which they plan to participate in case they wish to arrange further cover. An annual travel insurance may be the best solution for any member who regularly attends field events: this again is a matter of choice.
Please note however that all members participating in overseas events will be required to have travel insurance for the duration of the event: this is so that participants are covered for Medical, Repatriation and Personal Liability expenses. The Personal Accident element remains the personal choice of the member and again members are advised to check exclusions so that they can make an informed decision about the cover they want.