Lecture: Environmental Impact of a degassing volcano, Masaya, Nicaragua

Speaker: Professor Hazel Rymer, The Open University

Entry Fee

Members: Free

Visitors: £5.00

Date and Time

19:30 -


Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HN

Lecture Description

Our primary goal is a better understanding of the environmental and ecological hazards posed by gas emissions at persistently active volcanoes. Armed with this understanding, our second goal is to develop strategies to mitigate the environmental and ecological risk at these sites. Our interdisciplinary study is based at Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) because of the varying environmental conditions at Masaya seen through time and the persistent, low level of eruptive activity. This project seeks to track and quantify the volatile flux at Masaya from the source magma, through the volcanic plume, to the local environmental sinks in the soil and water, and the flora and fauna. A highly significant feature of this work is its longevity. This work builds on a project that began in 1993 and already represents a uniquely long and continuous data set of integrated volcanological and ecological surveys.

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