Lecture: Ammonites- from Mythology & Folklore to Geological Relevance
Entry Fee
Members: Free
Visitors: £2 donation
Date and Time
19:00 -
Virtual Talk via Zoom
Lecture Description
Dr Mick Oates is a retired professional geologist who has had a lifelong enthusiasm for rocks and fossils and in particular ammonites! His collection is now housed at the Barrow House Museum, a two story annex to his home.
He gained a BSc in Geology and PhD, from University College, London before working as a geologist in oil and gas exploration/development for about 40 years. He served on various Natural Environment Research Council review and advisory committees; the University of London Board of Studies (Geology), Imperial College MSc external examiner and is a Fellow of the Geological Society and member of the UK Stratigraphy Commission. He has served on the Geologists’ Association Council and Rockwatch committee since 1992.
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