Lecture: Bilston Stone Quarries – digging up the past - Geology and Genealogy

Speaker: Graham Hickman, Bath Geological Society

Entry Fee

Members: Free

Visitors: £5 on the door at BRLSI or Book via Eventbrite to access via Zoom

Date and Time

19:30 -


Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, 16-18 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HN

Lecture Description

As a small boy my father often told me about a sandstone quarry in Bilston that my great grandfather had owned. It was not until recently, however, that I managed to research the subject more fully. The quarry known as the “Bilston Stone Quarries” had been worked from the late 17th century. It came into my family’s ownership in about 1830 and was operated by Job Hickman (1783 – 1855). He was the first of a line of my ancestors who worked the quarry for the next 4 generations.

Combining my genealogical and geological research - this talk will explore the geology where my ancestors dug a living for themselves alongside the historical documents and evidence they left behind.

We encourage those who can attend the lecture in person at Bath BRLSI, Queen Square to do so. However, for the convenience of those who find it difficult to attend we are providing a Zoom link to this hybrid lecture. Members will receive the Zoom link by email, non-members should sign up via Eventbrite to get access.

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